About Me
french-austrian producer, actress and script-writer,
born in Paris, grew up in Vienna and lived in Stockholm, Tel Aviv, Tbilisi, Berlin and am currently living between Köln and Prague.
bachelorist of studies in Creative Producing at ifs.
Actress' training at the french school in Paris "Ecole du Jeu" with over 10 years of experience in acting and approx. 5 years of producing.
Besides producing and acting, Im also writing and directing.
Zertifikat ausgebildener Schauspieler, Ecole du Jeu (Training programmes and relevant certificates)
2012 - 2015
Kreativ Produzieren
BA Creativ Producing, internationale filmschule köln (College/University)
2021 - 2025
Kommunikation & Werbung
BTS, Sup de Pub Paris (College/University)
2011 - 2013