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A Request For Citizenship

Berlin, Deutschland
In a future relatively similar to our present, where the social structure remains the same as today, an Alien Black Box has crashed into Earth. The story is set during “IT’S A VERY GENERIC MORNING SHOW”, where, the Hostess, Careen (late 20’s) is vibrant with an energetic and magnetic personality. She, with her full red hear and maching lipstick, and her show are the utmost representation of this world; everything is pristine and light, as if no imperfection could ever have stepped a foot inside. Impossibly perfect. The show starts as any other, two chairs, a coffee table, a full roaring well-humoured audience, the hostess and her guest, today in our story, the Alien.Careen is excited, as she is every single morning of her show. She begins her interview with this alien invader but soon things start turning sour. What was meant to be a pleasant nonchalant, light-hearted episode turns into the Alien revealing secrets that could destroy this well-set reality. The whole perfect reality soon proves itself an easily shatterable illusion. The show ends up revealing its dirty green screen structure and with the Box stating: “Being, in spite of, is the most political act there is”
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